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Great stories told creativeTHEATRE style!
The characters, the costumes, and the swordplay, brought to life!

Great stories told creativeTHEATRE style!
The characters, the costumes, and the swordplay, brought to life!

Literature and Legends

We delve into works by Jules Verne, Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, as well as great poets of the past. And stories like "Robin Hood" are part of our repertoire.

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Greek Tragedy

Our "Intro to Greek Tragedy" class exposes students to the elements of greek tragedy. Characters, the authors, the chorus. And we all make our own masks for the final production.

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Students adapt the great stories from the world's most famous operas like "Carmen" and
"La Boheme, " and Gilbert and Sullivan's operettas
"The Pirates of Penzance" and "HMS Pinafore."
For the holidays, we feature
"Babes in Toyland!"

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Every student who attends a "Classics" program receives bookmarks,
featuring themselves and their castmates.
A fun keepsake, and a great way to have fun reading!

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can be once a year
or we can build a season from
our many offerings!

can be once a year
or we can build a season from
our many offerings!

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Get to know more about THE most COMPREHENSIVE
theatre program outside of the college environment,

and click on the buttons below.
Email, call or text us, and let us know what we can do for you.

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Teen/High School Programs

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Click below to call, text, or FaceTime:

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